Summarized Order instructions:
Choose a size
Choose a toolset
Choose a Spyderco blade (or no spyderco blade)
Choose your liners
Choose a finish for the tools
Choose scales
Contact me with the above details for a quote
Step 1: Choose a size
93 mm
- Reference model: Victorinox Pioneer
- NOT compatible with bit driver
- Compatible Spyderco blade:
- Dragonfly 2
- Limited amount of scales91mm
- Reference model: Victorinox Spartan
- Compatible Spyderco blade:
- Dragonfly 2
- Byrd Robin 2
- Roadie
- Ladybug 3
- Large option of scales84mm
- Reference model: Victorinox Spartan
- Compatible Spyderco blade:
- Dragonfly 2
- Grasshopper
- Limited option of scales58mm
- Reference model: Victorinox Minichamp
- Compatible Spyderco blade:
- Spyderco Honeybee
- Large option of scales
58 mm size Spidernox Rambler Plus
91 mm size Dragonox Cybertool
93 mm size (Dragonox Farmer X)
84 mm size (Dragonox Cadet)
Step 2: Choose a toolset
The toolset is the tools that you would like to have included in your custom Swiss Army knife. You can choose the tools that you want from the pictures on this page, or by looking at the completed builds.
Not all tools are compatible with each other in one layer. For example: I can place a Combination tool on the same layer as the large blade, but the scissors can not share a layer with it.
I can modify the original tools but there are limits. For example: I can serrate a blade but I can’t make a fork out of a knife blade.
58 mm range
91 mm range
Choose a Spyderco:

Spyderco Dragonfly 2 - EXAMPLE
91 mm:
Spyderco Byrd Robin 2 - EXAMPLE
- Will be on left side of toolSpyderco Dragonfly 2 (reprofiled) - EXAMPLE
- Will be on left side of toolSpyderco Dragonfly 2 (non-reprofiled) - EXAMPLE
- Will be on right side of toolSpyderco Roadie - EXAMPLE
Spyderco Ladybug - EXAMPLE
Havalon Scalpel holder - EXAMPLE
- Difficult to open due to reduced leverage
Step 3: Choose your liners
The liners are the “spacers” between the tool layers.
Here are the options:
Original aluminum liners (can be polished if you request)
G10 liners
- Multiple colors availabe
* Not all colors shown will always be available.Carbon Fiber liners
Brass liners
- Heavy and priceyCopper liners
- Heavy and priceyTitanium liners
- Pricey
Step 4: Choose a finish for the tools
Original stainless finish
Acid etched with one of the following washes:
- Aluminum wash
- Stone wash
- Brass wash
- Copper wash
* Find examples of these finishes HERE
* I do not acid etch without doing a wash of some kind
Step 5: Choose the knife scales
There are many options for the scales, different materials, different accessories slots, different manufactures and different prices.
** Not all scales shown will always be available, contact me to find out which ones I have in stock or are available to order.
58 mm range
91 mm range

Step 6: Contact me
After you choose what you would like or if you need help choosing contact me preferably through Instagram or Facebook Messenger for instant messaging. If you don’t have either of those platforms, you can send me an email.
* Due to the flood of messages I have received recently, it may take me a couple of weeks to get back to you. I am training an assistant to answer my messages, but for the time being I have to balance my time between work and messages. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
** As of March 2023, my waiting list is about 50 weeks and growing. I will give you a more precise ETA when you contact me.
Send me a message on Instagram.
Or send me a message on Facebook.
If you don’t have either of those, send me an email:
Keep in mind:
I may not have in stock the scales that you see in the pictures. After you contact me, I will send you pictures of the scales I have available.
Build time will depend on the current amount of orders I have. After you contact me, I will give you a rough ETA.
Most Custom Swiss Army knives start at $250 and go up depending on the tool set and scales that you want.
I ship world wide